Spine Facts

- 01There are 30 individual and distinct known sources of chronic lower back pain; therefore, are 30 potential “pain generators” in the lower back that can cause chronic pain.
- 02Chronic Pain is intermittent or constant pain lasting 6 weeks or more.
- 03The most common cause of chronic lower back pain is a disc injury.
- 04Disc injuries account for 85% of chronic lower back pain.
- 05Facet joint injuries are the second most common cause of chronic lower back pain.
- 06Facet joint injuries account for 10% of chronic lower back pain.
- 07Piriformis muscle injuries are the third most common cause of chronic lower back pain.
- 08Sacroiliac joint injuries are the fourth most common cause of chronic lower back pain.
- 09Fractured vertebrae, coccygeal ligament injury, spinal infection, spinal tumors are rare causes of chronic lower back pain (less than 1%).
- 10Degenerative spine conditions are the most common causes of chronic back pain.
- 11Disc injuries from trauma lead to degenerative disc disease, the most common cause of lower back pain.
- 12Degenerative disc disease starts with an annular tear and includes disc bulge, herniated disc, disc protrusion and extrusions, ultimately ending is spondylosis of the disc with Modic changes.
- 13Modic changes are structural changes to the disc and vertebral endplates resembling arthritis of the joint.
- 14Fractures, tumors and infections are rare causes of chronic lower back pain (less than 5%).
- 15Successful treatment of one pain generator will not fix other untreated pain generators.
- 16All pain generators must be properly treated to completely cure back pain. Deuk Spine Institute specializes in diagnosing and curing chronic back pain with advanced treatments.
- 17The average patient with chronic back pain has 5 pain generators.
- 18Chronic back pain originates from inflammation within a spinal joint or muscle in 99% of patients with chronic back pain.
- 19The best treatment for painful lumbar disc injuries (herniation, bulge, degeneration) is Deuk Laser Disc Repair®.
- 20The best treatment for painful lumbar facet joint injuries (facet arthropathy, hypertrophy) is Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®.
- 21The best treatment for painful sacroiliac joint (SIJ) injuries is Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®. SIJ Fusion should be avoided as it is overly invasive and dangerous with often poor results.
- 22Piriformis muscle injuries are best treated initially with Deuk Piriformis muscle release.
- 23Piriformis muscle injuries rarely heal on their own and often require surgical myotomy or release.
- 24Open Piriformis muscle myotomy is painful and disfiguring with permanent gluteus muscle damage and high risk of complications. Deuk Spine Institute offers the first minimally invasive percutaneous piriformis muscle outpatient myotomy called Deuk Piriformis muscle release.
- 25Chronic lower back pain rarely completely resolves on its own.
- 26Disc injuries (herniation, disc bulge, slipped disc, degenerated disc, extruded disc, protruding disc, ruptured disc) do NOT heal on their own. Deuk Laser Disc Repair® is required.
- 27Injections never cure chronic lower back pain. Injections give temporary relief at best.
- 28Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) is a temporary treatment for painful facet joints lasting 3-6 months on average. Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® provides permanent pain relief.
- 29Patented Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® uses FDA approved technologies.
- 30Back pain typically gets worse with activities. Most people limit activity to reduce or avoid back pain. This behavior is called “guarding” or “fear-avoidance behavior”.
- 31Most back pain can be cured at Deuk Spine Institute.
- 32Curable back pain is often misdiagnosed as Fibromyalgia.
- 33Fibromyalgia diagnosis is often mistakenly given to patients with curable back pain.
- 34Back pain never comes from a pinched nerve root.
- 35Spinal stenosis does not cause back pain.
- 36Pinched nerves may cause lower extremity pain (sciatica), weakness, numbness, tingling, or fatigue.
- 37Pinched nerves NEVER cause back pain. Most people mistakenly believe pinched nerves cause back pain.
- 38Back pain comes from disc and facet joint injuries that trigger muscle spasms.
- 3999+% of doctors are not capable of properly diagnosing the actual source(s) of back pain.
- 4099% of chronic pain treatments fail to work and leave patients in pain.
- 41Deuk Spine Institute is capable of making the correct diagnosis of back pain in 99% of patients.
- 42The Deuk Spine Exam® is unique and highly accurate at diagnosing the causes of a patient’s back pain (pain generators).
- 43Lumbar MRI scan is the most helpful diagnostic imaging test to aid in the diagnosis of back pain.
- 44MRI alone cannot provide a diagnosis for the cause of back pain; the physical exam is essential to making the correct diagnosis.
- 45MRI scans do NOT tell us where a patient’s pain is coming from. MRIs cannot talk.
- 46You cannot see pain on an MRI.
- 47MRI and CT scans show structural abnormalities. Pain is a physiologic-functional abnormality, not seen as structural.
- 48Surgery is often necessary to eliminate chronic back pain, but most spine surgeries don’t work.
- 49Spine surgery will not make an MRI scan look normal. Don’t expect a normal looking MRI after spine surgery.
- 50Spine surgery for back pain is not “cosmetic” surgery. Your spine will never look normal again but pain can be eliminated even with an “abnormal” looking spine. The goal of our surgeries is pain relief and functional restoration.
- 51Invasive spine surgeries such as laminectomy, discectomy, spinal fusion, artificial disc, spinal cord stimulators are dangerous, unnecessary, outdated and rarely eliminate chronic back pain.
- 52Most spine surgeons don’t recommend surgery for back pain because they are unaware of the actual cause of back pain or have not been trained in the latest treatments that eliminate pain.
- 53Most people have been told by healthcare providers that chronic back pain is not curable; however, back pain is curable with proper treatment available at Deuk Spine Institute.
- 54Physical therapy cannot correct the most common causes of chronic back pain.
- 55Chiropractic care cannot correct the most common causes of chronic back pain.
- 56Pain management cannot correct the most common causes of chronic back pain.
- 57Pain medications cannot correct any of the causes of chronic back pain.
- 58The “opioid epidemic” is a result of doctors prescribing opioid painkillers for chronic pain when patients should have been referred for curative procedures. Greed was the main factor.
- 59In Florida, 12 people die daily from overdose on prescription painkillers and far more lives are destroyed by addiction and abuse of opioids.
- 60In an injured disc, the source of pain is inflammation caused by a herniated disc within the posterior annular tear. Discogenic pain is permanently corrected with Deuk Laser Disc Repair® or spinal fusion.
- 61The source of pain in an injured facet joint is inflammation within the facet joint and capsule. Facetogenic pain is permanently corrected with Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy or spinal fusion.
- 62The source of pain in an injured sacroiliac joint is inflammation within the SI joint and capsule. Sacroiliacogenic pain is permanently corrected with Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy.
- 63Without proper treatment, chronic back pain will last a lifetime.
- 64Without proper treatment, chronic back pain will steal your quality of life.
- 65Surgery for chronic back pain is only necessary if you want to live without pain.
- 66Family, friends and coworkers suffer along with the patient with chronic pain.
- 67Chronic back pain costs the average patient $250,000 in medical bills and failed treatments.
- 68Health insurers pay an average of $500,000 in treatments for the average back pain patient.
- 69Chronic pain remains the most common reason for disability.
- 70Untreated back pain frequently causes other joint and muscle injuries due to poor posture and gait.
- 71Deuk Spine Institute is able to diagnose and cure 99% of common chronic back pain.
- 72All of Deuk Spine Institutes curative procedures are outpatient with same day discharge.
- 7390% of Deuk Spine Institutes surgical patients travel to Orlando, Florida from other states and countries. Deuk Spine Institute is an international medical destination.
- 74Spondylolisthesis does not require spinal fusion. Deuk Laser Disc Repair® can eliminate chronic back pain.
- 75Degenerative scoliosis does not require spinal fusion or deformity surgery. Deuk Laser Disc Repair® can eliminate chronic back pain.
- 76Spinal Implants are big business. The average screw costs $1,000, rods $800 and cages $5,000.
- 77Spinal fusion charges range from $50,000 up to $500,000 depending on how many levels are being fused and with what technique.
- 78Complications from spinal fusion and disc replacement surgery can incur hospital charges between $250,000-$2 million USD.
- 79Tarlov cysts do not cause back pain and rarely need treatment.
- 80Invasive spine surgeries including laminectomy, discectomy, spinal fusion, artificial disc, and spinal cord stimulator rarely eliminate chronic back pain but they are well known to cause internal scar tissue, bone and ligament destruction, adjacent segment disease, spinal malalignment.
- 81Deuk Laser Disc Repair® has zero surgical complications to date.
- 82Deuk Laser Disc Repair® is the safest spine surgery available to date.
- 83Deuk Laser Disc Repair® is fully FDA compliant and uses only FDA approved equipment, supplies and medication.
- 84Deuk Laser Disc Repair® has been peer reviewed and published over 10 times in the medical literature.
- 85Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy uses patent pending technology available only at Deuk Spine and Deuk Joint Institute.
- 86Over 95% of chronic back pain can be cured with Deuk Laser Disc Repair® and Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy.
- 87Deuk Laser Disc Repair® lumbar incision is 7mm, cervical incision is 4mm.
- 88Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy incision is 3mm.
- 89Deuk Spine Institute has been performing outpatient spinal fusions since 2007.
- 90Microdiscectomy does not treat back pain.
- 91The most common lumbar disc injuries causing symptoms are L4-5, L5-S1 then L3-4.
- 92Medial branch block is the diagnostic test to confirm facet joint pain.
- 93Deuk Spine Institute accepts Work Comp patients.
- 94Thoracic spine pain is most commonly caused by a disc or facet joint injury. Pain from either condition can be cured at Deuk Spine Institute.
- 95Deuk Laser Disc Repair® has been peer reviewed and published for treatment of painful disc herniations with an average of 99% elimination of pain 13 months after treatment.
- 96Deuk Spine Institute has pioneered new less invasive technologies to cure back and neck pain.
- 97Muscle injuries cannot be reversed with spine surgery and they require time and therapy to rebuild tone and endurance.
- 98Pinched nerves require up to 12 months after surgery to fully heal.
- 99Deuk Spine Institute offers a virtual MRI review from the comfort of your home. Use the following link to schedule a personal MRI review: MRI.DeukSpine.com
- 100Deuk Spine Institute’s vision is a world without pain and suffering.
- 01There are 30 individual and distinct known sources of chronic neck pain. There are 30 potential “pain generators”.
- 02Chronic neck pain is recurrent or constant pain lasting 6 weeks or more.
- 03The most common cause of chronic neck pain is a disc injury.
- 04Disc injuries account for 85% of chronic neck pain.
- 05Facet joint injuries are the second most common cause of chronic neck pain.
- 06Facet joint injuries account for 15% of chronic neck pain.
- 07Degenerative spine conditions are the most common causes of chronic neck pain.
- 08Disc injuries from trauma lead to degenerative disc disease, the most common cause of neck pain.
- 09Degenerative disc disease starts with an annular tear and includes disc bulge, herniated disc, disc protrusion and extrusions, ultimately ending is spondylosis of the disc with Modic changes.
- 10Modic changes are structural changes to the disc and vertebral endplates resembling arthritis of the joint.
- 11Fractures, tumors and infections are rare causes of chronic neck pain (less than 5%).
- 12Successful treatment of one pain generator does not fix other untreated pain generators.
- 13All pain generators must be properly treated to completely cure neck pain. Deuk Spine Institute specializes in diagnosing and curing chronic neck pain with advanced treatments.
- 14The average patient with chronic neck pain has 5 pain generators.
- 15Chronic neck pain originates from inflammation within spinal joints (disc or facet) in over 99% of patients with chronic neck pain.
- 16The best treatment for painful cervical disc injuries (herniation, disc bulge, slipped disc, degenerated disc, extruded disc, protruding disc, ruptured disc) is Deuk Laser Disc Repair®.
- 17The best treatment for painful cervical facet joint injuries (facet arthropathy, hypertrophy) is Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®.
- 18Chronic neck pain rarely completely resolves on its own.
- 19Disc injuries (herniation, disc bulge, slipped disc, degenerated disc, extruded disc, protruding disc, ruptured disc) do NOT heal on their own. Deuk Laser Disc Repair® is required.
- 20Injections never cure chronic neck pain. Injections give temporary relief at best.
- 21Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) is a temporary treatment for painful facet joints lasting 3-6 months on average. Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® provides permanent pain relief.
- 22Patented Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® uses FDA approved technologies.
- 23Neck pain typically gets worse with activities. Most people limit activity to reduce or avoid neck pain. This behavior is called “guarding” or “fear-avoidance behavior”.
- 24Most neck pain can be cured at Deuk Spine Institute.
- 25Fibromyalgia diagnosis is often mistakenly given to patients with curable neck pain.
- 26Neck pain never comes from a pinched nerve root.
- 27Spinal stenosis does not cause neck pain.
- 28Pinched nerves may cause upper extremity pain (cervical radiculopathy), weakness, numbness, tingling, or fatigue.
- 29Pinched nerves NEVER cause neck pain. Most people mistakenly believe pinched nerves cause neck pain. Neck pain comes from disc and facet joint injuries that trigger muscle spasms.
- 3099+% of doctors are not capable of properly diagnosing the actual source(s) of neck pain.
- 3199% of chronic pain treatments fail to work and leave patients in pain.
- 32Deuk Spine Institute is capable of making the right diagnosis of neck pain in 99% of patients.
- 33The Deuk Spine Exam® is unique and highly accurate at diagnosing the causes of a patient’s neck pain (pain generators).
- 34Cervical spine MRI scan is the most helpful diagnostic imaging test to aid in the diagnosis of chronic neck pain.
- 35MRI alone cannot provide a diagnosis for the cause of neck pain; the physical exam is essential to making the correct diagnosis.
- 36MRI scans do NOT tell us where a patient’s neck pain is coming from. MRIs cannot talk.
- 37You cannot see pain on an MRI.
- 38MRI and CT scans show structural abnormalities. Pain is a physiologic-functional abnormality, not seen as structural.
- 39Surgery is often necessary to eliminate chronic neck pain, but most spine surgeries don’t work.
- 40Spine surgery will not make an MRI scan look normal. Don’t expect a normal looking MRI after spine surgery.
- 41Spine surgery for neck pain is not “cosmetic” surgery. Your spine will never look normal again but pain can be eliminated even with an “abnormal” looking spine. The goal of our surgeries is pain relief and functional restoration.
- 42Invasive spine surgeries such as laminectomy, discectomy, spinal fusion, artificial disc, spinal cord stimulators are dangerous, unnecessary, outdated and rarely eliminate chronic neck pain.
- 43Most spine surgeons don’t recommend surgery for neck pain because they are unaware of the actual cause of neck pain or have not been trained in the latest treatments that eliminate pain.
- 44Most people have been told by healthcare providers that chronic neck pain is not curable; however, neck pain is curable with proper treatment available at Deuk Spine Institute.
- 45Physical therapy cannot correct the most common causes of chronic neck pain.
- 46Chiropractic care cannot correct the most common causes of chronic neck pain.
- 47Pain management cannot correct the most common causes of chronic neck pain.
- 48Pain medications cannot correct any of the causes of chronic neck pain.
- 49The “opioid epidemic” is a result of doctors prescribing opioid painkillers for chronic pain when patients should have been referred for curative procedures. Greed was the main factor.
- 50In Florida, 12 people die daily from overdose on prescription painkillers and far more lives are destroyed by addiction and abuse of opioids.
- 51In an injured disc, the source of pain is inflammation caused by a herniated disc within the posterior annular tear.
- 52Discogenic pain is permanently corrected with Deuk Laser Disc Repair or spinal fusion.
- 53The source of pain in an injured facet joint is inflammation within the facet joint and capsule.
- 54Facetogenic pain is permanently corrected with Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy or spinal fusion.
- 55Without proper treatment, chronic neck pain will last a lifetime.
- 56Without proper treatment, chronic neck pain will steal your quality of life.
- 57Surgery for chronic neck pain is only necessary if you want to live without pain.
- 58Family, friends and coworkers suffer along with the patient with chronic pain.
- 59Chronic neck pain costs the average patient $100,000 in medical bills and failed treatments.
- 60Health insurers pay an average of $250,000 in treatments for the average chronic neck pain patient.
- 61Chronic pain remains the most common reason for disability.
- 62Deuk Spine Institute is able to diagnose and cure 99% of common chronic neck pain.
- 63All of Deuk Spine Institutes curative procedures are outpatient with same day discharge.
- 6490% of Deuk Spine Institutes surgical patients travel to Orlando, Florida from other states and countries. Deuk Spine Institute is an international medical destination.
- 65Spinal Implants are big business. The average screw costs $1,000, rods $800 and cages $5,000.
- 66Spinal fusion charges range from $50,000 up to $500,000 depending on how many levels are being fused and with what technique.
- 67Complications from spinal fusion and disc replacement surgery can incur hospital charges between $250,000-$2 million USD.
- 68Benign spinal cysts do not cause neck pain and rarely need treatment.
- 69Invasive spine surgeries including laminectomy, discectomy, spinal fusion, artificial disc, and spinal cord stimulator rarely eliminate chronic neck pain but they are well known to cause internal scar tissue, bone and ligament destruction, adjacent segment disease, spinal malalignment.
- 70Invasive spine surgeries including laminectomy, discectomy, spinal fusion, artificial disc, and spinal cord stimulator are known to have serious complications including spinal fluid leak, wound infection, pneumonia, organ and blood vessel injuries, hardware failure or migration, failed back surgery.
- 71Deuk Laser Disc Repair has zero surgical complications to date.
- 72Deuk Laser Disc Repair is the safest spine surgery available to date.
- 73Deuk Spine Institute has pioneered new less invasive technologies to cure back and neck pain.
- 74Deuk Spine Institute offers a virtual MRI review from the comfort of your home. Use the following link to schedule a personal MRI review: MRI.DeukSpine.com
- 75Deuk Spine Institute’s vision is a world without pain and suffering.
- 01There are 50 individual and distinct known sources of chronic thoracic spine pain; therefore, are 50 potential “pain generators” in the thoracic spine that can cause chronic pain.
- 02Chronic Pain is intermittent or constant pain lasting 6 weeks or more.
- 03The most common cause of chronic thoracic spine pain is a disc injury.
- 04Disc injuries account for 85% of chronic thoracic spine pain.
- 05Facet joint injuries are the second most common cause of chronic thoracic spine pain.
- 06Facet joint injuries account for 10% of chronic thoracic spine pain.
- 07Fractured vertebrae, spinal infection, spinal tumors are rare causes of chronic thoracic spine pain (less than 5%).
- 08Degenerative spine conditions are the most common causes of chronic thoracic spine pain.
- 09Disc injuries from trauma lead to degenerative disc disease, the most common cause of thoracic spine pain.
- 10Degenerative disc disease starts with a traumatic annular tear. Degenerative disc disease includes disc bulge, herniated disc, disc protrusion and extrusions, ultimately ending is spondylosis of the disc with Modic changes.
- 11Modic changes are structural changes to the disc and vertebral endplates resembling arthritis of the joint.
- 12Fractures, tumors and infections are rare causes of chronic thoracic spine pain (less than 5%).
- 13Successful treatment of one pain generator will not fix other untreated pain generators.
- 14All pain generators must be properly treated to completely cure back pain. Deuk Spine Institute specializes in diagnosing and curing chronic back pain with advanced treatments.
- 15The average patient with chronic back pain has 5 pain generators.
- 16Chronic thoracic spine pain originates from inflammation within one or more spinal joints (disc or facet) in 95% of patients.
- 17The best treatment for painful thoracic disc injuries (herniation, bulge, degeneration) is Deuk Laser Disc Repair®.
- 18The best treatment for painful thoracic facet joint injuries (facet arthropathy, hypertrophy) is Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®®.
- 19Chronic thoracic spine pain rarely completely resolves on its own.
- 20Pain medication, anti-inflammatories, injections and therapy will not cure the source of most thoracic spine pain.
- 21Disc injuries (herniation, disc bulge, slipped disc, degenerated disc, extruded disc, protruding disc, ruptured disc) do NOT heal on their own. Deuk Laser Disc Repair® is required for natural healing to occur.
- 22Injections never cure chronic thoracic spine pain. Injections give temporary relief at best.
- 23Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA) is a temporary treatment for painful facet joints lasting 3-6 months on average. Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®® provides permanent pain relief.
- 24Patented Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®® uses FDA approved technologies.
- 25Back pain typically gets worse with activities. Most people limit activity to reduce or avoid back pain. This behavior is called “guarding” or “fear-avoidance behavior”.
- 26Most thoracic spine pain can be cured at Deuk Spine Institute.
- 27Curable back pain is often misdiagnosed as Fibromyalgia, an uncurable condition.
- 28Fibromyalgia diagnosis is often mistakenly given to patients with curable back pain.
- 29Back pain never comes from a pinched nerve root.
- 30Spinal stenosis does not cause thoracic spine pain.
- 31Pinched nerves may cause lower extremity pain (sciatica), weakness, numbness, tingling, or fatigue.
- 32Pinched nerves NEVER cause thoracic spine pain. Most people mistakenly believe pinched nerves cause back pain.
- 33Thoracic spine pain comes from disc and facet joint injuries that often trigger muscle spasms.
- 3499+% of doctors are not capable of properly diagnosing the actual source(s) of back pain.
- 3599% of chronic pain treatments fail to work and leave patients in pain, often worse off.
- 36Deuk Spine Institute is capable of making the correct diagnosis of thoracic spine pain in 99% of patients.
- 37The Deuk Spine Exam® is unique and highly accurate at diagnosing the causes of a patient’s back pain (pain generators).
- 38A patient must be actively in pain for Deuk Spine Institute to diagnose the source of pain.
- 39Thoracic spine MRI scan is the most helpful diagnostic imaging test to aid in the diagnosis of thoracic spine pain.
- 40MRI alone cannot provide a diagnosis for the cause of thoracic spine pain; the physical exam is essential to making the correct diagnosis.
- 41MRI scans do NOT tell us where a patient’s pain is coming from. MRIs cannot talk.
- 42You cannot see pain on an MRI.
- 43MRI and CT scans show structural abnormalities. Pain is a physiologic-functional abnormality, not seen as structural.
- 44Surgery is often necessary to eliminate chronic back pain, but most spine surgeries don’t work.
- 45Spine surgery will not make an MRI scan look normal. Don’t expect a normal looking MRI after spine surgery.
- 46Spine surgery for thoracic spine pain is not “cosmetic” surgery. Your thoracic spine will never look normal again but pain can be eliminated even with an “abnormal” looking spine. The goal of Deuk Spine Institute surgeries is pain relief and functional restoration.
- 47Invasive spine surgeries such as laminectomy, discectomy, spinal fusion, artificial disc, spinal cord stimulators are dangerous, unnecessary, outdated and rarely eliminate chronic thoracic spine pain.
- 48Most spine surgeons don’t recommend surgery for thoracic spine pain because they are unaware of the actual cause of thoracic spine pain or have not been trained in the latest treatments that eliminate pain.
- 49Most people have been told by healthcare providers that chronic thoracic spine pain is not curable; however, thoracic spine pain is curable with proper treatment available at Deuk Spine Institute.
- 50Physical therapy cannot correct the most common causes of chronic thoracic spine pain.
- 51Chiropractic care cannot correct the most common causes of chronic thoracic spine pain.
- 52Pain management cannot correct the most common causes of chronic thoracic spine pain.
- 53Pain medications cannot correct any of the causes of chronic thoracic spine pain.
- 54The “opioid epidemic” is a result of doctors prescribing opioid painkillers for chronic pain when patients should have been referred for curative procedures. Greed was the main factor.
- 55In Florida, 12 people die daily from overdose on prescription painkillers and far more lives are destroyed by addiction and abuse of opioids.
- 56In an injured disc, the source of pain is inflammation caused by a herniated disc within the posterior annular tear.
- 57Discogenic pain is permanently corrected with Deuk Laser Disc Repair®.
- 58The source of pain in an injured facet joint is inflammation within the facet joint and capsule.
- 59Facetogenic pain is permanently corrected with Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®.
- 60Without proper treatment, chronic thoracic spine pain will last a lifetime.
- 61Without proper treatment, chronic thoracic spine pain will steal your quality of life.
- 62Surgery for chronic thoracic spine pain is only necessary if you want to live without pain.
- 63Family, friends and coworkers suffer along with the patient with chronic pain.
- 64Chronic thoracic spine pain costs the average patient $150,000 in medical bills and failed treatments.
- 65Health insurers pay an average of $250,000 in treatments for the average thoracic spine pain patient.
- 66Chronic pain remains the most common reason for disability.
- 67Untreated thoracic spine pain frequently causes other joint and muscle injuries due to poor posture and gait.
- 68Deuk Spine Institute is able to diagnose and cure 99% of common chronic thoracic spine pain.
- 69All of Deuk Spine Institutes curative procedures are outpatient with same day discharge.
- 7090% of Deuk Spine Institutes surgical patients travel to Orlando, Florida from other states and countries. Deuk Spine Institute is an international medical destination.
- 71Spondylolisthesis does not require spinal fusion. Deuk Laser Disc Repair® can eliminate chronic thoracic spine pain.
- 72Degenerative scoliosis does not require spinal fusion or deformity surgery. Minimally invasive Deuk Laser Disc Repair® can eliminate chronic thoracic spine pain.
- 73Spinal Implants are big business. The average screw costs $1,000, rods $800 and cages $5,000.
- 74Spinal fusion charges range from $50,000 up to $500,000 depending on how many levels are being fused and with what technique.
- 75Complications from spinal fusion and disc replacement surgery can incur hospital charges between $250,000-$2 million USD.
- 76Tarlov cysts do not cause thoracic spine pain and rarely need treatment.
- 77Invasive spine surgeries including laminectomy, discectomy, spinal fusion, artificial disc, and spinal cord stimulator rarely eliminate chronic thoracic spine pain but they are well known to cause internal scar tissue, bone and ligament destruction, adjacent segment disease, spinal malalignment.
- 78Invasive spine surgeries including laminectomy, discectomy, spinal fusion, artificial disc, and spinal cord stimulator are known to have serious complications including spinal fluid leak, wound infection, pneumonia, organ and blood vessel injuries, hardware failure or migration, failed thoracic spine surgery.
- 79Deuk Laser Disc Repair® has zero surgical complications to date.
- 80Deuk Laser Disc Repair® is the safest spine surgery available to date.
- 81Deuk Laser Disc Repair® is fully FDA compliant and uses only FDA approved equipment, supplies and medication.
- 82Deuk Laser Disc Repair® has been peer reviewed and published over 10 times in the medical literature.
- 83Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® uses patent pending technology available only at Deuk Spine and Deuk Joint Institute.
- 84Over 95% of chronic thoracic spine pain can be cured with Deuk Laser Disc Repair® and Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®.
- 85Deuk Laser Disc Repair® thoracic incision is 4mm.
- 86Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® incision is 3mm.
- 87Deuk Spine Institute has been performing outpatient spinal fusions since 2007.
- 88Microdiscectomy does not treat thoracic spine pain.
- 89The most common thoracic disc injuries causing symptoms are T6-7, 7-8, 12-L1.
- 90Medial branch block is the diagnostic test to confirm facet joint pain.
- 91Deuk Spine Institute accepts Work Comp patients.
- 92Thoracic spine pain is most commonly caused by a disc or facet joint injury. Pain from either condition can be cured at Deuk Spine Institute.
- 93Deuk Laser Disc Repair® has been peer reviewed and published for treatment of painful disc herniations with an average of 99% elimination of pain 13 months after treatment.
- 94Deuk Spine Institute has pioneered new less invasive technologies to cure thoracic spine and neck pain.
- 95Muscle injuries or deconditioning cannot be reversed with spine surgery and they require time and therapy to rebuild tone, bulk and endurance.
- 96Pinched nerves require up to 12 months after surgery to fully heal.
- 97Deuk Spine Institute offers a virtual MRI review from the comfort of your home. Use the following link to schedule a personal MRI review: MRI.DeukSpine.com
- 98Deuk Spine Institute’s vision is a world without pain and suffering.
- 01Spinal stenosis means “narrowing” of the spine.
- 02Spinal stenosis is most commonly caused by degenerative spinal conditions.
- 03Degenerative spinal conditions that cause spinal stenosis include spinal disc injuries, facet joint injuries, ligamentum flavum hypertrophy.
- 04Degenerative spinal conditions account for 95% of spinal stenosis.
- 05Tumors, infection and spinal trauma account for less than 5% of spinal stenosis.
- 06Spinal stenosis can occur in the lower back (lumbar), the neck (cervical) and thoracic regions.
- 07Spinal stenosis most commonly occurs in the lumbar spine.
- 08Some patients are born with spinal stenosis. This condition is called “congenital” spinal stenosis.
- 09Congenital spinal stenosis rarely causes symptoms.
- 10Most spinal stenosis is “acquired” throughout life from injuries to spinal joints (disc and facet).
- 11Patients with congenital stenosis require less acquired stenosis to have symptoms because their spine is already narrow to begin with.
- 12MRI scan is the best diagnostic tool for spinal stenosis.
- 13There are 4 zones of spinal stenosis: central, lateral recess, foraminal, and extraforaminal.
- 14Central spinal stenosis is rare in the lumbar spine (lower back) and more common in the cervical spine (neck).
- 15Central stenosis is narrowing of the spinal canal behind the disc.
- 16Central stenosis is rare in the lower back (lumbar spine).
- 17Central stenosis is common in the neck (cervical spine).
- 18Lateral recess stenosis is the most common form of spinal stenosis. Lateral recess stenosis is present in over 95% of cases of patients with symptoms of stenosis.
- 19Disc herniations are the most common cause of lateral recess stenosis.
- 20Lateral recess stenosis in the neck (cervical) causes shoulder and arm pain, weakness, numbness and tingling.
- 21Lateral recess stenosis in the back (lumbar) causes hip and leg pain, weakness, numbness and tingling in the leg.
- 22Laminectomy cannot fix lateral recess stenosis, but it is still recommended by spine surgeons worldwide.
- 23Microdiscectomy or discectomy cannot fix lateral recess stenosis, but they are still recommended by spine surgeons worldwide.
- 24To treat lateral recess with laminectomy or discectomy, part or all of the facet joint must be removed. This will destabilize the spine.
- 25Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) is a failure of the spine surgeon to adequately treat lateral recess stenosis.
- 26Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) is the most common cause of failed spine surgery.
- 27Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) is the most common cause of disability after spine surgery
- 28Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) never occurs at Deuk Spine Institute with our state-of-the-art treatments.
- 29Treatment of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) is big business.
- 30Treatment of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) is how many pain management physicians make their living.
- 31Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS) gives the spine surgeon the reason needed to make a spinal fusion recommendation. This is what the surgeon wanted from the beginning.
- 32If the patient is in enough pain, they will be forced to accept spinal fusion.
- 33Invasive spine procedures like laminectomy, discectomy, MILD procedure are destructive to the stability of the spine and will eventually lead to more pain. Spine surgeons know this.
- 34Laminectomy and discectomy are “entry level” spinal stenosis procedures that often lead to more invasive treatments like spinal fusion and spinal cord stimulators.
- 35If laminectomy is performed properly to effectively treat spinal stenosis, the surgeon will need to remove so much bone and ligament from the spine that postoperative instability and fusion would be unavoidable.
- 36Spinal fusion is the highest paying procedure a spine surgeon can perform.
- 37Spinal fusion pays the surgeon 2-3 times more money than brain surgery.
- 38Spine surgeons are financially rewarded for recommending and performing spinal fusion.
- 39Deuk Laser Disc Repair does not use spinal fusion.
- 40Spinal cord stimulator placement is the highest paying procedure a pain management doctor can perform.
- 41Spinal cord stimulators pay over 300 times more than an epidural steroid injection.
- 42Patients with spinal stenosis are often referred to spine surgeons and pain management doctors who then recommend procedures that don’t provide long term relief.
- 43Deuk Spine Institute procedures are non-invasive and curative of spinal stenosis symptoms. Our procedures do not lead to more invasive treatments.
- 44Foraminal stenosis is the second most common type of spinal stenosis.
- 45Foraminal stenosis is narrowing occurring in the neural foramen.
- 46Disc herniations are the most common cause of foraminal stenosis.
- 47Lateral recess stenosis and foraminal stenosis account for 99% of symptomatic spinal stenosis.
- 48Lateral recess stenosis and foraminal stenosis are present together in most patients with spinal stenosis.
- 49Spinal stenosis never causes neck pain.
- 50Spinal stenosis never causes back pain.
- 51Neck pain and back pain are most commonly caused by herniated discs in the neck and back (discogenic pain).
- 52Pain comes from inflammation, not pressure nerve roots.
- 53Pressure on nerve roots from spinal stenosis can cause arm or leg weakness, numbness or tingling (paresthesia).
- 54Patients with pinched nerve root symptoms need decompression spine surgery.
- 55Deuk Laser Disc Repair® can decompress nerve roots without opening up the neck or back.
- 56Deuk Laser Disc Repair® is performed with a band aid size incision in the skin and immediate recovery without hospitalization.
- 57Deuk Laser Disc Repair® is FDA compliant and generally accepted as safe and effective for treatment of symptoms of disc disease.
- 58Central spine stenosis can put pressure on the spinal cord in the neck or thoracic spine.
- 59Myelopathy is damage to the spinal cord.
- 60Cervical myelopathy may cause balance problems, numbness in the hands and feet, bladder urgency or incontinence, loss of coordination.
- 61The most common cause of myelopathy is a herniated disc in the neck.
- 62Deuk Laser Disc Repair® is the safest and most effective treatment for herniated discs.
- 63Spinal stenosis is best diagnosed on MRI of the spine.
- 64CT scan can diagnose spinal stenosis but is less conclusive.
- 65Spinal stenosis is often misdiagnosed.
- 66Deuk Spine Institute can properly diagnose spinal stenosis.
- 67Spine surgery is the only effective treatment for spinal stenosis.
- 68Most spinal stenosis does not need treatment. There are millions of people with asymptomatic (silent) spinal stenosis.
- 69Spine surgeons often incorrectly recommend surgery for spinal stenosis when there is actually a different diagnosis causing the patients symptoms.
- 70Non-clinical doctors misdiagnose spinal stenosis often and recommend treatments that don’t work