Are you suffering from chronic neck or back pain? It can be overwhelming to decide which treatment option is best or where to go for treatment.
Are you suffering from chronic neck or back pain? Our free virtual Deuk Spine Exam® will give you a clear diagnosis and path towards becoming pain free with 99% diagnostic accuracy.
Does not fix facet joint injuries = Facetogenic back pain
Does not fix sacroiliac joint pain = Sacrogenic back pain
Does not fix pinched nerves = Radiculopathy or Myelopathy
Fractured Vertebrae
Why doesn’t Therapy work for Facet Joint or Disc pain?
Why doesn’t Therapy work for Facet Joint or Disc pain?
Facet joint pain comes from inflammation within the arthritic facet joint(s) and injured facet capsule. Therapy does not eliminate arthritis or the pain it causes. Therapy often aggravates pain from inflamed joints.
Disc pain comes from inflammation in the annular tear. Therapy movement aggravates the annular tear and the inflammation causing more pain.
What is the best alternative treatment to therapy?
What is the best alternative treatment to therapy?