An annotated Xray portraying the deuk piriformis release procedure.

Piriformis Syndrome Surgery: Deuk Piriformis Muscle Release®

When the back and leg pain is mild, piriformis syndrome can be treated with muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatories, injection of steroid or Botox into the injured muscle belly, therapy and rest. Early on when injury to the piriformis muscle is minimal, piriformis syndrome symptoms can improve with conservative (non-surgical) treatment. 

Rarely does piriformis syndrome resolve completely without a minor surgical procedure available only at Deuk Spine Institute called the Deuk Piriformis Muscle Release®. More invasive treatments are available but cause major side effects and they should be avoided.

What is Deuk Piriformis Muscle Release®?

A less invasive, state of the art treatment to permanently relieve piriformis syndrome symptoms by disconnecting the painful muscle from its attachment to the hip. The procedure was pioneered at Deuk Spine Institute in 2024 by Founding Neurosurgeon Dr. Ara Deukmedjian MD with the help of his son, Arias Deukmedjian. Deuk Piriformis Muscle Release® is a one-of-a-kind procedure offering the safest and most effective treatment of piriformis syndrome in the world. There is no hospitalization. Bleeding is minimal (a few drops) and recovery takes 30 minutes. A band aid is all that is needed for the 4mm incision. Most patients return to work the following day.

To find out if you are a good candidate for one of our advanced treatments, please complete our Free MRI Review

Why does piriformis syndrome occur?

 Piriformis syndrome always begins with a tear across the belly in the middle of the piriformis muscle. This muscle has its origin at the lateral border of the sacrum and inserts its tendon onto the greater trochanter of the hip. The muscle runs deep to the gluteus maximus muscle in the buttock. Tears of the muscle belly occur when the patient bends over to lift something while also twisting at the waist. The piriformis muscle is normally a thin, short muscle prone to injury in people that are deconditioned from lack of regular exercise or due to bad body mechanics. Chronic back pain from spine issues is the most common predisposing condition to getting a piriformis muscle tear.

When should Deuk Piriformis Muscle Release® be considered?

 Simply put, when you are tired of hurting. 99% of piriformis muscle injuries cannot completely heal on their own. You would need to lay in bed for 6 weeks without moving to have a chance of the muscle healing on its own. Any movement with legs involved causes reinjury of the piriformis muscle and the pain cycle restarts. Most people are not willing to lay in bed without moving their legs for 6 weeks for a 50/50 chance of healing their piriformis muscle on their own. Once torn, the piriformis muscle becomes inflamed, swollen and painful. Most patients find it difficult to sit, stand or go to work without severe pain in the buttock and often down the leg. With rest the tear will begin to scar together but reinjury often occurs before the muscle completely heals. After some time, the cycles of reinjury, inflammation and scar tissue make the muscle perpetually hurt. At this point the only cure to the pain and dysfunction is a surgical myotomy. Myotomy is a procedure where a painful muscle is surgically cut in half to relieve pain and dysfunction. Myotomy is extremely painful, bloody, disfiguring and requires a long recovery.

How Deuk Piriformis Muscle Release® works ?

Using a 4mm skin incision over the hip, a specialized probe is directed to the attachment point of the piriformis muscle to the hip bone. Once the probe tip is confirmed at the piriformis tendon attachment at the hip bone, the tendon is transected and the muscle is released. Once released from the hip bone, the muscle can finally heal completely because it is no longer being pulled apart at the tear. Most patients experience immediate and permanent pain relief. There is some procedure pain that lasts up to 2 weeks and resolves on its own. Pain medication is not needed by most patients.

There have been over 100 successful treatments performed to date without a single complication. Since the muscle is not being cut as with a myotomy, there is no bleeding, pain or disfigurement. This amazing new technique developed by Dr. Ara Deukmedjian MD is patent pending, FDA compliant and currently only available at Deuk Spine Institute. Use our Free MRI Review to see if you are a candidate for our advanced pain curing procedures.

A Patient-Focused Spinal Procedure

A patient focused spinal procedure. Deuk Spine Institute offers patients the most advanced spinal procedures available in the world. Most of the procedures we offer were pioneered right here at Deuk Spine Institute by our founder neurosurgeon Dr Ara Deukmedjian MD and his son Arias Deukmedjian. For herniated discs we offer the most state-of-the-art procedure in the world, the Deuk Laser Disc Repair®. This surgery is 50 years ahead of its time with a 99.6% average pain elimination for discogenic pain. For facet joint and sacroiliac joint pain, we offer Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®, a bloodless minimally invasive procedure to destroy pain nerves responsible for arthritis pain in degenerated joints. A 4mm incision and 30 minutes of your life are all that is needed to permanently eliminate back, neck or joint pain. Piriformis syndrome now has a cure, Deuk Piriformis Muscle Release®.

Deuk Spine Institute has your back. 99% of chronic lower back pain is caused by disc herniation, facet joint pain, sacroiliitis and piriformis syndrome; Deuk Spine Institute has the ability to properly diagnose the source of your pain and cure pain. Don’t wait. Don’t live another day with pain that can be diagnosed and eliminated. See if you are a candidate for our state-of-the-art treatment with our Free MRI Review.