Are you suffering from chronic neck or back pain? It can be overwhelming to decide which treatment option is best or where to go for treatment.
Are you suffering from chronic neck or back pain? Our free virtual Deuk Spine Exam® will give you a clear diagnosis and path towards becoming pain free with 99% diagnostic accuracy.
Why is Epidural Steroid Injection recommended by some doctors?
Why is Epidural Steroid Injection recommended by some doctors?
Radiculopathy (nerve root dysfunction) from compressed/pinched nerves
Sciatica (pain down leg to foot) from compressed/pinched nerves
Cauda Equina Syndrome (poly radiculopathy) from compressed/pinched nerves
Back pain
Spinal stenosis
Pain management doctors are recommending and performing these procedures
Strong financial incentives for spine surgeons, pain management and hospitals
How is Epidural Steroid Injection performed?
How is Epidural Steroid Injection performed?
Why should Epidural Steroid Injection be avoided?
Why should Epidural Steroid Injection be avoided?
Invasive procedure: needle is pushed into the spine and can cause complications
Excessive scar tissue can form around the spine and nerves after Epidural Steroid Injection from bleeding or additives in the medication
Complications are common but underreported after Epidural Steroid Injection
Spinal instability is common after Epidural Steroid Injection
Disc herniations and degenerated discs are not treated properly when an Epidural Steroid Injection is performed. The source of inflammation and pain is not permanently removed with Epidural Steroid Injection. Untreated posterior annular tears are the most common cause of persistent back and neck or arm and leg pain.
Spinal stenosis is not treated with Epidural Steroid Injection. Spinal stenosis will worsen in time without proper treatment (surgery is needed).
Epidural Steroid Injection is not an accepted treatment for back pain
Back pain typically becomes worse after Epidural Steroid Injection wears off and many spine surgeons use this opportunity to convince patients to get spinal fusion. Spinal fusion is not necessary to treat pain when Deuk Laser Disc Repair® and Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® are available.
Spinal fusion is frequently recommended after Epidural Steroid Injection fails. Spinal fusion is not necessary.
The actual source of back pain, the herniated disc, is not actually being treated by Epidural Steroid Injection.
Most Epidural Steroid Injection patients end up in pain management for years because their pain is not being treated properly. This keeps the pain management doctors busy and financially rewarded while patients suffer.
What complications occur with Epidural Steroid Injection?
What complications occur with Epidural Steroid Injection?
Nerve root damage
Spinal fluid leak
Infection with epidural abscess or meningitis
Residual stenosis
Residual disc herniation
What is the best alternative to Epidural Steroid Injection?
What is the best alternative to Epidural Steroid Injection?