Deuk Spine Institute Fellowships
Deuk Spine Institute offers physicians four types of fellowships: focused, research, basic interventional pain management and advanced pain management.
Focused Fellowship
- Short term training experience in a focused area of spine pain management. This fellowship includes didactic and clinical training with real patients in the office and operating room.
- The training period is customized to the needs of the fellow.
- Includes clinical diagnosis, management and surgical treatment of real patients.
Research Fellowship
- 1–2 year term.
- Fellow will focus on clinical research, study design and oversight, data collection, statistical analysis, preparation of manuscripts for peer review and publication, authorship.
- Work directly with faculty of Deuk Spine Institute including Dr. Ara Deukmedjian MD.
- Anticipate between 1-4 high quality publications/year.
- Consideration for clinical fellowship after completion of research fellowship.
Basic Interventional Pain Management Fellowship
- 1 year term
- Fellow will train directly with Deuk Spine Institute faculty to learn standard medical and interventional pain management skills for spine and musculoskeletal conditions.
- Includes clinical diagnosis, management and surgical treatment of real patients.
- Fellow will participate in both clinic and operating room care supervised by faculty.
- Basic skills: ESI, MBB, RFA, image guided injections, TPI, SCS trial and implant, medication management, large joint injections, stem cell and PRP.
- Consideration for Advanced Pain Management Fellowship or Research Fellowship after completion of Basic Interventional Pain Management Fellowship.
Advanced Pain Management Fellowship
- 1 year term
- Fellow will train directly with Deuk Spine Institute faculty to learn advanced medical and interventional pain management skills for spine and musculoskeletal conditions.
- Includes clinical diagnosis, management and surgical treatment of real patients.
- Fellow will participate in both clinic and operating room care supervised by faculty.
- Advanced skills: Deuk Laser Disc Repair®, Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®, Deuk Spinal Exam®, Deuk Piriformis Release.
Who should apply for a Fellowship?
- Clinical Fellowship: Medical Doctors who have completed a United States based residency in the following specialties: neurosurgery, orthopedic surgery, physiatry, anesthesiology, occupational medicine, surgery.
- Research Fellowship: MD, PhD, DO
Deuk Spine Institute Fellowship Directors