Deuk Spine Surgical Guarantee
Deuk Spine Institute was the first spine treatment center in the world to offer a spine surgery guarantee starting in 2014. We are so confident in our curative treatments to eliminate back and neck pain, we offer a satisfaction guarantee. Guarantees are reserved for treatments we expect to be curative of back or neck pain. Not all treatments offered at Deuk Spine Institute are curative; therefore, guarantees are only available for procedures known to cure back or neck pain as determined by Deuk Spine Institute.
Guarantees are available for the specific treatments listed below as long as the patient undergoes the full recommended treatment plan. Guarantees require full payment of all services at the undiscounted rate. Payment must be made prior to surgery along with the execution of a written warranty agreement/contract between the patient and Deuk Spine Institute. Guarantees are time limited and require the patient’s full cooperation with the Deuk Spine Institute prescribed treatment plan.
Spine procedures with an available guarantee
When the following procedures are performed by Deuk Spine Institute at the recommended treatment levels, a guarantee is available for purchase:
What spine procedures do NOT have a guarantee available?
These procedures do not qualify for a guarantee because they do not cure pain and often cause more pain after surgery:

How do I request a guarantee on my surgery?
Ask your Deuk Spine surgery scheduler if a guarantee is available for your upcoming surgery.
- If available, you will need to establish you want the guarantee before your surgery.
- You will be required to pay the full charge for the surgery center, the surgeon and anesthesiologist 1 week before your surgery.
- You must sign the Deuk Spine Surgical Guarantee agreement 1 week before your surgery.
- The Deuk Spine Institute CEO must countersign the agreement.
- Once the guarantee is paid for and the agreement is signed, you may proceed with your surgery. Your procedure will be guaranteed.

What is guaranteed?
Essentially, we guarantee the surgery will eliminate your pain in the area of the spine we are operating on, for example back pain or neck pain.
- If any pain remains, we will perform all necessary tests and treatments available to eliminate residual pain in the area of the spine that was treated under the guarantee. For example, if you have lower back pain treated under a Deuk Spine Surgical Guarantee and the pain remains or returns after surgery at the same location within the warranty period, Deuk Spine Institute will perform all necessary tests and treatments available to diagnose and eliminate the residual or recurrent pain at NO cost to the patient or their insurer.
- This is NOT a money back guarantee.
- All testing and treatment covered under the guarantee must be performed at Deuk Spine Institute by our staff and physicians.
- Services covered under the Deuk Spine Surgical Guarantee include prescribed office visits, MRIs, X-rays, CT scan, Nerve tests, ultrasound, injections, diagnostic blocks, pain management, additional surgery recommended by Deuk Spine Institute to treat the covered area of the spine.
- Some patients will experience procedure pain or discomfort normal to the healing process for their injuries.

What is NOT covered in the Deuk Spine Surgical Guarantee?
The following are not covered in the guarantee:
- Normal healing discomfort including procedure pain and discomfort from healing muscles and joints after surgery
- Medications
- Services provided outside Deuk Spine Institute
- Airfare
- Travel expenses
- Testing or treatment not prescribed by Deuk Spine Institute
- Testing or treatment not provided at Deuk Spine Institute
- Injuries due to patient negligence or non-compliance
- Areas of the spine that were not treated or covered under the guarantee