Benefits of Lumbar Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®
Facet joint arthritis causes pain and stiffness in the back. Before lumbar Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® existed, there was no cure for facetogenic pain and stiffness in the lower back.
Now there is a simple 10 minute minimally invasive procedure developed by Deuk Spine Institute to eliminate pain and restore normal movement to the lower back. Use our Free MRI Review to see if you are a candidate at MRI.DEUKSPINE.com
What Is Lumbar Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®?
The ultimate goal of rhizotomy is permanent elimination of pain from the arthritic facet joint while preserving motion. To achieve this goal, the sensory nerves to the painful joint must be transected (cut) and not allowed to “grow” back to the joint. Standard RFA will not accomplish either of these goals as RFA has no way to physically cut the pain nerves nor does RFA stop the nerves from growing back. Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® was developed at Deuk Spine Institute as the first of its kind, a permanent solution to painful joints made possible by transecting the pain nerves at the joint and preventing them from reattaching. Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® uses powerful electrical energy to generate plasma (energized electron vapor) at the tip of the Deuk Plasma Wand® which in turn permanently destroys the sensory nerves to painful joints. The result is a joint that moves without pain. Overall, a major benefit in joint pain relief through a minimally invasive procedure with an immediate recovery. Lower back motion can be functionally restored without arthritis pain. Use our Free MRI Review to see if you are a candidate MRI.DEUKSPINE.com
The ultimate goal of rhizotomy is permanent elimination of pain from the arthritic facet joint while preserving motion. To achieve this goal, the sensory nerves to the painful joint must be transected (cut) and not allowed to “grow” back to the joint. Standard RFA will not accomplish either of these goals as RFA has no way to physically cut the pain nerves nor does RFA stop the nerves from growing back. Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® was developed at Deuk Spine Institute as the first of its kind, a permanent solution to painful joints made possible by transecting the pain nerves at the joint and preventing them from reattaching. Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® uses powerful electrical energy to generate plasma (energized electron vapor) at the tip of the Deuk Plasma Wand® which in turn permanently destroys the sensory nerves to painful joints. The result is a joint that moves without pain. Overall, a major benefit in joint pain relief through a minimally invasive procedure with an immediate recovery. Lower back motion can be functionally restored without arthritis pain. Use our Free MRI Review to see if you are a candidate MRI.DEUKSPINE.com
Benefits of Lumbar Spine Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®
1. Minimally invasive 4-mm incision
2. No or minimal blood loss
3. Outpatient 30-minute procedure, no hospital
4. Performed under twilight sedation
5. Resume normal activity the following day
6. Permanent results (unlike RFA/ Radio Frequency Ablation)
7. No prescribed painkillers as postop discomfort is minimal
8. Fast recovery
9. Minimal risk of complications
10. Eliminates the need for unnecessary treatments such as injections and invasive surgery
11. Avoid joint replacement or spinal fusion surgery
12. Low cost
13. Joint mobility is maintained
14. Save money and time by avoiding treatments that don’t work
Best Treatment for the Following Diagnoses
- Facet Joint Arthritis
- Facet joint arthropathy
- Facet joint hypertrophy
- Facet joint injury
- Facetogenic pain
- Facet adjacent segment disease
- Facet subluxation
- Facet joint inflammation
- Lower back pain from facet joint
- Lower back stiffness from facet joint arthritis
Most Effective Treatment for Facetogenic Lower Back Pain
Facetogenic (facet joint) pain is the second most common cause of chronic neck and lower back pain following discogenic (disc) pain in frequency. Facet joint pain and stiffness arise from facet joint arthritis. In patients suffering from chronic neck or lower back pain, the facet joint is the main (primary) cause of pain 10% of the time and a secondary cause of pain in 40% of patients. Facet joint arthritis is the result of traumatic injuries to the facet joint or capsule. Over time these injuries manifest as chronic facet joint pain and stiffness in the neck or lower back.
Arthritis inflammation of the facet joint is often the actual source of chronic neck and lower back pain. Arthritis causes highly sensitive pain nerve fibers in the damaged facet joint to send pain signals along the joint’s sensory nerves (somatic afferent) up the spinal cord to the brain where the signals are perceived as neck or lower back pain. Facet pain is typically made worse with activity or movement of the spine which promotes even more inflammation around the affected joints. Facet pain is a common reason for inactivity and disability among patients with arthritis of the facet joint(s). Since facet pain is made worse with normal movement of the spine, most patients begin to self-limit their activities to avoid aggravating their back or lower back pain. This phenomenon is known as “fear-avoidance behavior”. Over time and due to inactivity, the facet joint stiffens and loses its flexibility because of disuse. It is important to maintain normal activity levels and facet joint range of motion to avoid permanent disability. Eliminating facet joint pain can help achieve this goal to have a pain-free life.
Standard treatments for facet pain include medications, therapy, injections, and surgery. Medications may provide temporary relief for mild facet joint disease but medications do not eliminate the source of pain. Therapy may help preserve motion and prevent deconditioning of surrounding muscles and ligaments but will not eliminate the source of pain. Injections may provide temporary relief of symptoms but do not eliminate the source of pain. Injections into the joint may include steroids, anesthetics, lubricants, PRP and stem cells. Injections into the facet joint become less effective over time as the facet joint further deteriorates, in a process called “arthropathy”.
Surgery for facet joint pain is becoming more popular among surgeons and patients. Surgery can be very effective at eliminating chronic facet joint pain. There are several categories of facet joint surgery for chronic facet pain including rhizotomy, joint replacement and spinal fusion. Facet joint replacement is highly invasive, can have major complications, a long recovery, is unnecessary, and often causes more problems than good for the patient. Joint replacements and spinal fusions are being pushed on patients by surgeons and the companies that sell spinal implants because they are highly profitable procedures. Invasive spine surgery, like joint replacements, are good for surgeons, hospitals and the implant manufacturers but often have disastrous results for the patients receiving these invasive surgeries.
Standard with facet joint replacement surgery is bleeding, scar tissue, long painful recovery, activity restrictions, time away from work and normal activities, dangerous opioid painkillers, high cost and complication rate. Reported joint replacement complications include loosening of the metal implant, joint dislocation, osteonecrosis or osteolysis (bone erosion), fractures, infection, loss of function, nerve damage, worsening discogenic pain, spinal fluid leak, anemia, blood clots in the legs or lung and death. Spinal fusion is even more invasive and has similar complications therefore it is not recommended for treatment of back pain. Newer, less invasive procedures are being developed to treat and even cure facet joint pain.
Rhizotomy is a newer technology introduced to treat chronic degenerative facet joint pain and loss of function. Rhizotomy is a procedure that targets and destroys the sensory nerves at the facet joint known to be responsible for facet pain. The target nerves are small, so the rhizotomy surgery is “small” or minimally invasive. Most rhizotomies are performed with Radio Frequency Ablation (RFA), a technique using medical imaging to co-localize a probe with the areas where the sensory nerves are found near painful joints. RFA provides a small electrical current that temporarily interferes with nerve signals. Unfortunately, RFA can only provide temporary relief of pain in a small number of patients because the technique has significant limitations. Deuk Spine Institute realized the limitations of RFA’s temporary effects and went on to develop a new, improved rhizotomy technique pioneered by founder neurosurgeon, Dr. Ara Deukmedjian MD. This technique is now patented and uses FDA approved technology for your safety.
Who is a Good Candidate for Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® for the Facet Joint?
Patients with facet joint pain are excellent candidates for the Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® of the facet joint. The diagnosis of facet joint pain is made with a specialized physical exam called the Deuk Spine Exam®. This exam identifies if a patient is having facet joint pain and which facet joints are painful. Sometimes a diagnostic Medial Branch Block (MBB) will be recommended first to confirm the diagnosis of facet joint pain or to identify the levels to be treated. Patients that had a good result with MBB or RFA (radiofrequency ablation) in the past or have been recommended for facet joint surgery are likely good candidates for Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®. Use our Free MRI Review to see if you are a candidate at MRI.DEUKSPINE.com
Outpatient Procedure
Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® is performed in our state-of-the-art outpatient surgery center. There is no need for hospitalization. Patients recover in 30 minutes and are discharged home with minimal pain. The incision is only 4 mm and bleeding is minimal. We use “twilight” anesthesia with propofol administered by an anesthesiologist. Use our Free MRI Review to see if you are a candidate at MRI.DEUKSPINE.com
Motion Preservation
Spinal facet joints are normally painless joints made for movement, giving the lower back its flexibility needed for regular daily activities. The ideal treatment for a painful facet joint would successfully eliminate lower back pain while preserving the natural movement of the joint. Invasive spine surgeries such as laminectomy, discectomy, spinal fusion, laminoplasty, interspinous devices and the artificial discs permanently interfere with the natural movement of the spine because these treatments intentionally remove or destroy the normal bones, ligaments, muscles, and joints from the spine. Collateral damage to the patient’s body caused by invasive spine surgery is often ignored by the surgeons who are pushing these dangerous but profitable types of surgery onto unsuspecting patients. Invasive spine surgery damages not only the spinal facet joint and surrounding ligaments, bones and muscles also permanently altering the patient’s natural posture, gait, station, and balance leading to a lifetime of agonizing joint and muscle issues from postsurgical spinal instability. Fusion of the spine becomes necessary to treat this postoperative instability after the invasive surgery. Spinal fusion itself always results in permanent loss of movement. The best way to avoid spinal fusion is to avoid invasive spine surgery in the first place.
Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® is different because there is no collateral damage or instability from the procedure. Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® uses a small 4mm skin incision to access and treat painful injured facet joints. Unlike invasive spine surgery, Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® is a minimally invasive, nontraumatic plasma procedure that targets and destroys pain nerves around the spine with minimal bleeding or scarring. Since normal bone, muscle, ligament and joint are unharmed during the Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® procedure, natural movement and stability of the spine are maintained. The entire surgery is completed minimally invasive under twilight anesthesia with same day discharge. Because the injured facet joint is denervated with plasma precision, spinal motion is preserved at the treated motion segment and all surrounding joints. To see if you are a candidate for Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® please complete our Free MRI Review
Avoid Opioid Narcotics
We now know how dangerous opioid painkillers are and doctor prescribed painkillers are no different. Spine surgery without needing post operative opioid narcotic painkillers is now possible with Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®. Invasive spine surgery such as laminectomy, discectomy, interspinous devices, spinal fusion and disc replacement always require dangerous post operative opioid narcotic painkillers because during these types of surgery the spine surgeon always causes tremendous damage to your body’s internal tissues. The internal damage cannot be seen without an MRI scan but it is felt by patients as post-surgical pain for a very long time. Most often, invasive spine surgery patients stay in the hospital overnight taking powerful opioid narcotic painkillers.
Many patients continue taking opioid painkillers for months after invasive spine surgery due to the horrific pain they experience at the surgical site. Invasive spine surgeons don’t tell their patients before surgery just how damaging their surgery is to the body. All the shredded muscle and torn ligaments, crushed bone and bleeding is hidden from the patient under their scars. The actual source of post-operative pain is dying muscles, bones and ligaments ripped off of the spine while the patient is asleep under anesthesia. As dead muscle and soft tissue is broken down by the body and replaced with scar tissue, pain is experienced. The more internal damage the more pain and the longer it will last. Because of the severe postoperative pain from invasive surgery, all patients undergoing invasive spine surgery are at high risk of becoming dependent on painkillers. None of this happens with Deuk Spine Institute procedures.
Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® is truly minimally invasive spine surgery done with a tiny 4 mm incision and no bone or soft tissue damage. Because surgical damage is minimal, post operative pain is minimal. Patients have minimal surgical pain the day after their surgery and no post operative opioid painkillers are prescribed. Since post operative opioid narcotic painkillers are not needed, our patients don’t have to worry about becoming addicted to painkillers or their complications. Patients can return to work or driving a car the day after their surgery. Most of our patients take one Tylenol the night after surgery and nothing else. With the rise in opioid abuse and deaths associated with opioid painkiller use, spine surgery without opioids is now possible and makes sense. To see if you are a candidate for Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® please complete our Free MRI Review
Immediate Recovery
Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® is typically performed under propofol sedation for a quick recovery and return to normal. Blood loss is minimal and hospitalization is not needed for the procedure, helping patients recover quickly. Most patients return to work the day after Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® and without restrictions.
How Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® for the Facet is Performed
Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® for the facet joint is only available at Deuk Spine Institute. Patients are put under “twilight” sedation in the operating room and a 4-mm incision is made in the skin around the painful facet joint. The Deuk Plasma Wand® is navigated by the surgeon using medical image guidance to pre-selected locations around the painful facet joint where articular branches of the sensory nerves can be targeted and destroyed. Recovery usually takes 30 minutes then patients are discharged home with an adult driver. Normal activity can be resumed the next day as there are no postoperative restrictions. Use our Free MRI Review to see if you are a candidate MRI.DEUKSPINE.com
After the Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® for the Facet
There will be post procedure pain in the area treated usually lasting a few days but up to 2 weeks in some patients. It is important to start walking immediately and stay active with daily walks. Keep your other medical conditions under control. You may return to work the day after the procedure if you are fully recovered. Some patients heal slower and require additional days of recovery. Maintain a normal diet and avoid alcohol on the day of the procedure. Notify your surgeon if you experience increased pain, swelling, fevers, weakness, loss of sensation. For emergencies call 911. Use our Free MRI Review to see if you are a candidate at MRI.DEUKSPINE.com
Risks of Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy®
As with any surgery, there are risks to this procedure including but not limited to bleeding, infection, nerve damage, cardiovascular or anesthesia complications, ischemia, loss of life. Complications like these are rare. Ask your surgeon about specific risks unique to yourself. Use our Free MRI Review to see if you are a candidate at MRI.DEUKSPINE.com
How to Schedule your Deuk Plasma Rhizotomy® for the Facet Joint
Submit your information for a Free MRI Review here at mri.deukspine.com
You can learn more at www.DeukSpine.com