Dr. Ara J. Deukmedjian, MD
CEO and Founder at Deuk Spine Institute, Minimally Invasive Spine Specialist, Endoscopic Laser Spine Surgery
Board certifications
Neurological Surgery
“Excellence is not given, it is earned.” Dr. Deukmedjian earned his status as a world class spine surgeon through years of hard work and dedication to excellence in patient care. His father, Dr. Aria Deukmedjian MD, taught his son the most important lesson in medicine, “Always do what is best for your patients and you will be rewarded with their enduring gratitude.” Medicine has changed dramatically over the last 50 years but one thing remains true, the doctor-patient relationship is sacred. The foundation of that relationship is based in trust and sacrifice.
University of Florida, Shands Hospital
Jan 2004
Ranked #1 in the world
Dr. Ara Deukmedjian was fortunate to be accepted into the top 7-year neurological surgery training program at Shands Hospital headed by preeminent neurosurgeon, Dr. Albert Rhoton MD. While at the University of Florida Department of Neurosurgery, the faculty was comprised of top neurosurgeons in their field including Dr. Arthur Day, Dr. Bill Friedman, Dr. Richard Fessler, Dr. Parker Mickle, Dr. Jeff Henn, Dr. Steven Lewis, Dr. Robert Mericle and Dr. Steven Roper. During his neurosurgical training, Dr. Deukmedjian became an expert in various neurosurgical fields including spine, neurocritical care, skull base, cerebrovascular, neuro-endovascular, pediatric, brain lesions, functional neurosurgery and pain. While in residency, the National Institute of Health (NIH) awarded Dr. Deukmedjian a fully funded 2-year research fellowship in epilepsy neurosurgery. Dr. Deukmedjian completed his board-certification in neurosurgery and is a Fellow of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons.
University of Southern California (USC)
Jan 1997
Ranked #15 in the world
Dr. Ara Deukmedjian graduated from USC school of Medicine with “Highest Distinction” also ranked #1 by grades in his class of 170 students. Dr. Deukmedjian was appointed “junior AOA” and soon after elected President of the USC chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha (AOA), the national honor society for medical schools. Dr. Deukmedjian received many honors and awards in medical school including the Barbara Monroe Pathology Honor Award for the student with the highest test scores in pathology. Dr. Deukmedjian’s academic performance earned him Phi Beta Kappa national honor society and selection for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology award with a trip to Walter Reed Army Hospital. In 1995, Dr. Deukmedjian was recognized by pathology chairman and author Dr. Clive Taylor for scoring the only perfect score on the pathology final exam at the end of the year, a first in the 100+ year history of the school. Dr. Deukmedjian won the annual Retzius Neuroanatomy competition held every year at Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles. Dr. Deukmedjian was promoted to neuroanatomy faculty during his 4th year in medical school and received his entire 4th year of medical school tuition free, also a first for the University of Southern California to offer this opportunity to one of its own exceptional medical students.
University of California, San Diego
Jan 1993
Ranked top 30 in the world
Dr. Deukmedjian graduated Lutheran High School of Ventura County as valedictorian and attended the University of California campus in San Diego for undergraduate studies in Biochemistry-Cell Biology and Chemistry, obtaining degrees in both. While at UCSD, Dr. Deukmedjian played competitive soccer, DJ at the school radio station, was elected sophomore senator and served in student government, co-founded the Armenian Student Organization, joined a fraternity Delta Sigma Phi, volunteered in Dr. Jay Seegmiller’s Alzheimer Disease Research lab, volunteered in the UCSD burn ICU and served on the UCSD admissions committee. Dr. Deukmedjian was appointed Chairman of the UCSD Cultural Programming Board in 1989 and oversaw all school funded student cultural activities. His coursework included diverse areas of study including African dance, anthropology, molecular biology, physical chemistry, microbial genetics, organic chemistry, literature and marine biology. The decision to go to medical school was easy however, the path was difficult at times because medicine has and will always be a competitive field to enter into.
NIH: National Research Service Award (NRSA, F-32) 9/27/2000, Principal Investigator, 12/2000- 12/2002.
Awarded by National Institute- Neurological Disorders and Stroke, NIH for “Interactions Between Heterophic and Dysplastic Cortex": NIH/NINDS grant #: 1 F32 NS11129-01
USC School of Medicine Gross Head and Neck Anatomy Instructor
Faculty Instructor for 6-week Head and Neck Gross Anatomy Course for Year 1 U.S.C. Medical Students 1997
USC School of Medicine Histology Instructor
Faculty Instructor for 8-week Histology Course for Year 1 U.S.C. Medical Students 1996
USC School of Medicine Neuroanatomy Instructor 1996
Faculty Instructor for 6-week Neuroanatomy Course for Year 1 U.S.C. Medical Students 1996
NASA Space flight Medical Team 2001-2004
Kennedy Space Center for STS 97, 105, 107, 108
President of U.S.C. Chapter 1996-1997
Tutor for Pathology and Gross Anatomy 1995-1996
Admissions Interviewer for U.S.C. School of Medicine 1996-1997
Armenian Medical Student Association 1995-1997
St George Society 1993-1996
Tang So Do Karate (Green Belt) 1996-1997
Cultural Programming Board-Chairman 1990-1991
Radio Disk Jockey (U.S.C.D. Radio Station) 1987-1989
Semi-Professional Soccer League 1986-1987
Varsity Letters: Soccer, Basketball, Track & Field and Cross Country
Theater – Arsenic and Old Lace (Lead Role) 1986
Honors and Awards
America’s “Top Surgeon” Award by Consumer Research Council 2009 - 2013
Most Compassionate Physician www.vitals.com 2011, 2012, 2013
2011 Patient Choice Award www.vitals.com 2011, 2012
Graduated USC School of Medicine with “Highest Distinction” 1997
USC School of Medicine Dean’s Award for Academic Excellence 1993-1997 (Years I, II, III, and IV)
Retzius Neuroanatomy Competition 1997- First Prize
USC School of Medicine Basic Science Performance – Highest Class Cumulative (year-end) scores in the following systems: Histology, Hematology, Neurosciences I, Otolaryngology, Neurosciences II, Pulmonary, Pharmacology and Pathology
USC School of Medicine overall class rank: #1 of 170 students class of 1996
USC School of Medicine ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientist) 1996 Recipient
USC School of Medicine Academic Scholarship ($10,000)
Deuk Spine Institute
7955 Spyglass Hill Rd, Melbourne, FL 32940
Dr. Ara Deukmedjian grew up in Southern California. Following in his father’s footsteps, he chose a career in helping others overcome illness and pain. To our patients, Dr. Ara Deukmedjian is simply known as Dr. Deuk.
A renowned neuro-spine surgeon with a focus on minimally invasive, laser, and endoscopic back and neck pain treatment, Dr. Deuk is a pioneer in this field. He serves as CEO and Medical Director at Deuk Spine Institute and performs the revolutionary procedure that bears his name: Deuk Laser Disc Repair®
Dr. Deuk has also personally performed over 2,000 cervical decompressive discectomies and treated over 1,000 herniated or degenerated lumbar discs with no major complications in addition to hundreds of laser spine surgeries with a 95% success rate in the elimination of pain.
Laser spine surgery reviews list Dr. Deuk as the best back surgeon. Patients are so satisfied with their results that they have rated him highly on review sites such as Vitals.com, where he was recognized with the ‘Patients’ Choice Award’ for 2011, 2012, and 2013.