Neck Surgery c5-c6-c7 Recovery Time and Advantages
Friday, October 07, 2022

Although no one wants to have spine surgery, it is occasionally essential. Naturally, the first line of defense is always to explore alternative treatments and therapies. If you have had neck pain for a while and have tried all of the available treatments without getting the results you were hoping for, surgery may be necessary.
If you or a loved one is experiencing any of the following symptoms outlined in this article, it's time to get a FREE Consultation and MRI Review with Deuk Spine Institute. We will help relieve your pain and get you back to living your life without limitations!
However, the majority of those who are recommended for this operation have numerous queries. How long it takes to recover from neck surgery is the most frequently posed query. Unfortunately, there isn't a simple or unambiguous response to this question. Neck surgery recovery time will vary depending on your physiology, the type of surgery that is done, and other factors because the neck is very sensitive and highly complicated. Of course, this may cause you some concern, but as long as you adhere to your surgeon's recommendations, you should be able to make a full recovery.
The following details are provided to assist you to comprehend the procedure, how soon you may anticipate recovering, and what you can do to hasten and reduce the number of difficulties in your recovery.
When Is Neck Surgery Necessary?
Determining if you require neck surgery is difficult. This is due to the fact that many distinct components are involved. For instance, you might discover that the discs in your spine are degenerating and grinding against one another.
Your neck's nerves can be irritated. These are just a few instances in which neck surgery may be necessary. Surgery is typically advised when all other forms of treatment have failed and you have:
- Cervical radiculopathy is the medical term for a herniated disc that has compressed the nerve root. As a result, the nerve becomes irritated by bone spurs.
- The gaps within the spine are too small due to spinal stenosis. The spinal nerves will then become crushed as a result, resulting in pain and numbness.
- Degenerative disc disease causes the discs to push against one another and entrap the spinal nerves. Your discs will likewise be fragile in this situation. This indicates that they are unable to stop the vertebrae from grating against one another, which causes excruciating pain.
Different Neck Surgery Methods
There are various surgical techniques available, depending on the source of the neck pain. However, surgery will almost always enable a specialist to locate the source of the pain, identify the issue, remove it if necessary, and replace it with an implant, gadget, or other tools to stop the pain from recurring.
Following surgery, you often only need to stay in the hospital for a short time. That does not imply that once you get home, you will be fully recovered. In order for your wounds to heal, your neck surgery recovery period may really be greatly lengthened, therefore you must make sure that you adhere to the post-operative directions that your doctor told you. The majority of the time, surgery is required to resolve issues with one or more spinal nerves.
There are numerous different nerves in the spinal cord at each level, and if the spine is aberrant, these nerves could become inflamed or squeezed. Typically, this results from a problem with your discs, which are jelly-like, soft components inside your spine that serve as a spine's cushion. They may shift or develop degenerative changes, which irritate and/or compress the nerve. As an alternative, the foramen may tighten, which can also be very painful. All of the techniques that are most frequently provided address the aforementioned problems:
Anterior Cervical Discectomy
Treats the discomfort caused by a deteriorated or herniated disc. An anterior approach to the spine allows the surgeon to remove the problematic disc while stabilizing the area with a bone graft. It is also possible to remove any bone spurs that are rubbing against the spinal nerve. Normally, this operation only necessitates one overnight stay. Whether you are able to eat, how mobile you are, and how much pain you are in will determine when you are released.
In three to six months, you should be ready to resume your regular activities. Recovery following neck fusion surgery varies depending on how quickly the bone graft can fuse. Your doctor will frequently check on this and give you guidance on how to recover and what degree of activity is appropriate.
Posterior Cervical Discectomy
Similar to the previously described procedure, posterior cervical discectomy with foraminotomy also removes disc tissue that is producing issues. Nonetheless, the disc will be reached through the rear using this specific treatment (posterior). Furthermore, because only a portion of the disc will be removed, there won't be a need for bone fusion. Therefore, recovery advice for neck fusion surgery is not applicable in this situation. Instead, this procedure merely seeks to increase the space where the nerve exits the spine, preventing compression. It doesn't try to fix painful problematic joints that cause pain when moved. Instead, the operation creates greater space to reduce compression, which lessens nerve irritation and pain perceptions. The nerve is often gently pushed sideways through a keyhole incision created behind the neck, and then the foramen is cleared by the surgeon. Sometimes it's also necessary to remove bone spurs and misplaced disc material. Following this procedure, you will often need to stay in the hospital for around two days. You will continue to recuperate over the following four to six weeks, after which you can resume light activities. It usually takes two to three months to fully recover. You might also be recommended for physical therapy for rehabilitation.
Cervical Arthroplasty Procedure or Disc Replacement
With this procedure, a damaged cervical disc will be removed and replaced with an artificial disc. There shouldn't be any loss of movement because the artificial disc is a prosthesis that functions similarly to a joint. Since the entire disc is removed during this surgery, fusion will be necessary, making it relatively comparable to the previous surgery.n With the anterior cervical discectomy, the implant is a bone transplant, but with the disc replacement technique, it is a prosthetic device. The soft tissue is pulled apart during this treatment after a small incision is made in the front of the neck. The surgeon will next insert the artificial disc after removing the bony matter and the disc itself. After gently repositioning the residual tissue, the incision will be repaired. Your illness will determine how long you need to spend in the hospital, however many don't need an overnight stay. You can usually resume light activities two weeks after the injury, and it takes around six weeks to fully heal.
Advantages of Neck Surgery
Nobody likes surgery, as was previously stated, and the majority of individuals will take every precaution to avoid having it. You must be aware that neck surgery also has a number of important advantages. They consist of:
- Less pain, and hence, a higher standard of living. After you have fully recovered, you will be able to return to your normal routine and never have to worry about going through the agonizing pain again. Although neck pain can be crippling and even endanger life, surgery can treat it.
- Improved health. Neck pain is typically a sign of an underlying problem that has to be treated. This problem is handled through surgery, which prevents it from getting worse.
Determinants of Recovery Time
How long it takes you to recover after neck surgery can depend on a variety of things. Two of the most significant variables that affect recovery time are the severity of your ailment and the type of surgery you receive. Other elements consist of:
You will probably recover more rapidly if you are still very young than if you are older. Typically, younger patients surpass the average patient's milestones. On the other hand, younger individuals rarely need neck surgery.
Your recuperation time will probably take longer if you have any other health issues or have a sedentary lifestyle. Your recuperation time will be shortened the healthier you are before the operation. Smoking, being obese, drinking excessively, and having chronic conditions all have a negative effect on how quickly your wounds will heal.
People with active lifestyles who regularly engage in appropriate physical activity recover more quickly. However, people who have physically demanding work typically recover far more slowly.
It typically takes longer to return to a high level of activity if you are already very active.
How Long Does Neck Surgery Recovery Take?
Surgery is always physically taxing, but neck surgery may be the most so. This is so that it affects your cervical spine, which supports your head and is important for promoting movement in your body. As a result, it differs greatly from, say, a broken arm, which merely needs some rest and a cast.
One of the reasons healing takes a little longer than with other types of surgery is that it is impossible to completely relieve pressure from your neck after surgery. However, there are several crucial neck surgery recovery strategies that you may do to speed up your recovery as much as possible.
You must understand that these suggestions are just offered as a general reference. Additionally, they won't force you to repair yourself miraculously. Instead, they are made to cut down on the amount of time you require. Even more crucial is that you adhere to the instructions provided by your surgeon, who will typically design a program unique to your circumstance. Let's look at the top five recommendations.
Avoid putting undue pressure on the surgical site and your spine. Although it may be tempting, it isn't a good idea to start working out or going to the gym right away. If you overwork yourself, your operation can end up failing, so you must give yourself the time you need to relax and recover. When you resume your physical activity, it should be because your surgeon has given the all-clear. Do not push yourself.
Physical treatment
After your operation, it's likely that this therapy was recommended to you. Unfortunately, many people merely show up to obtain their rehab instructions; they don't actually adhere to them.
You must put in the effort if you want to recover from surgery quickly, which entails enrolling in the program, attending your meetings, and completing your assigned readings. This will have a significant impact on how quickly you recover overall.
Diet and Hydration
Your blood must be properly oxygenated and stocked with the necessary vitamins and minerals.
Your blood will be able to flow freely and give important nutrients to the surgery site as a result, promoting faster healing. Even though you might think you can order Asian food and then laze in bed all night, that isn't a smart move. Instead, eat fruits and vegetables and keep water nearby at all times. This will guarantee that you drink enough water throughout the day, reducing inflammation and promoting physical recovery.
A well-kept operating room
If you had a posterior operation, keeping your site clean may be a little more challenging, but if it was an anterior procedure, cleaning your site should be simple. You must strictly go by the advice and instructions your doctor provided you with regarding how to take care of the site.
Take it easy
While it is true that you should take it easy, as we previously indicated, it is equally crucial that you engage in neck-specific workouts. You must watch out for muscle spasms and ensure that your neck can move through its whole range of motion. You will recover much more rapidly with a little activity, like a casual neighborhood walk.
Surgical Phobia
Being nervous before and after the treatment is one thing that is detrimental to your recovery.
This is because chemicals that affect your immune system and physical defenses are released into your body when you're stressed.
Therefore, it is crucial to maintain your composure even if it is acceptable to feel some nervousness and trepidation. Fortunately, there are some helpful suggestions to assist you to control your anxiety so that you can have a tranquil body and mind before you undergo surgery. These consist of:
- Recognizing the source of your anxiety and focusing more intently on it.
- Planning your procedure properly.
- Learning about what to anticipate.
- Disclosing your worries to your surgical team and network of supporters.
Post Surgery Care
Last but not least, it's crucial that you take care of yourself after the procedure. Additionally, you need to feel secure and at ease, if you want to recuperate as rapidly as possible. Your doctor has probably given you a prescription for some pain medication and advice on how to care for your wound. Additionally, you will have received advice on things you must never do, including engaging in physically demanding exercise. The duration of your leave from work will also have been specified by your surgeon.
There are a few other things to anticipate following your operation, including:
- restrictions for some physical activity. Lifting objects more than 8 lbs. or bending over to pick them up is typically not permitted. As a result, be sure you have a support system in place to help you out around the house while you're recovering.
- Driving is prohibited for at least two weeks in order to safeguard you and other road users.
- Because you don't want any foreign objects to get inside the incision and create infections, showering should be kept to a minimum. You must provide the sutures the time they require to actually close the wound. Again, your doctor ought to have told you about that.
Additionally, you must let your doctor know if you develop a fever, see blood or pus coming from a wound, have trouble breathing or using the restroom, experience pain or numbness, or notice any of these other symptoms. The most crucial thing you can do to reduce your recovery time is to pay attention to your body while following your Deuk Spine Institute surgeon's instructions.
The Deuk Spine Institute encourages and welcomes you to contact us today regarding any questions or concerns you may have about your current situation...
If you or someone you love is experiencing any of the preceding symptoms outlined in this article, it's time to get a FREE Consultation and MRI Review with the Deuk Spine Institute. We can help relieve your pain and get you back to living life without limitations!