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Ruptured Disc

What is a ruptured disc?

Ruptured discs are simply the presence of an annular tear in the outer wall of the intervertebral disc. They are often caused by normal disc degeneration, and can also be the result of injuries from playing sports or getting in an accident. Should a disc rupture, the nucleus pulposus, or shock absorbing jelly filling the center of the disc, is allowed to expand outside of its normal bounds, decreasing the overall effectiveness of the disc’s ability to absorb the load of the spine. 

Types of ruptured disc

Once a disc has ruptured, the subsequent treatment is straight forward, but will vary by tear. Treatment involves removing the herniated material and allowing proper healing of the spine. The reason or reasons for the tear, however, are much less clear. Often a product of multiple tears, ruptured discs can occur from a number of different kinds of annular tears.

Concentric Tears

  • Typically caused due to injury, concentric tears affect the disc by creating separation in the lamellae or membrane layers protecting the disc.

Peripheral Tears

  • Peripheral tears, while similar in orientation to concentric tears, occur on the outside of the disc and are not limited to separation of membrane layers. They are frequently known to cause disc degeneration.

Radial Tears

  • Spanning the height of the disc and extending from the center outward, radial tears occur naturally with aging and are the most common cause of disc herniation in patients.

A physician can provide more information about different types of tears and how to treat them.

Ruptured disc diagnosis

Patients suffering from ruptured discs most commonly find their condition identified with an MRI. If you have an MRI and would like Deuk Spine Institute to review it or provide a second opinion for Free, please complete our MRI Review Form

On MRIs these discs often exhibit signs of degeneration which may include deformed centers, dehydration and nucleic spillage into the spinal cavities surrounding the disc. Doctors usually follow with a physical exam. Our doctors will work with you to determine the severity of discomfort and pain in relation to the suspected disc, and determine an appropriate course of action in relieving discogenic pain.

Ruptured disc treatment

Once the disc suspected for causing pain or discomfort is identified, treatment can start. Beginning with a series of conservative management techniques, we will attempt to aid the disc in self repair through non-surgical means. Should these medical techniques prove ineffective or the pain becomes overwhelming, our team of doctors will proceed with interventional pain management or ruptured disc surgery.

If surgery is recommend, it is important to know that Deuk Spine Institute is the leader in minimally invasive spine surgery. Our laser spine surgery actually helps the body heal on its own and has a 95% success rate and does not weaken of damage the spine.   

Are you or a loved one experiencing lower back pain from a ruptured disc? Deuk Spine Institute is ready to assist you in living a pain free life. Learn why patients travel from across the US and the world to be treated by Deuk Spine Institute, Contact Us or call 1-800-FIX-MY-BACK now.

Cure your back and neck pain once and for all.

Deuk Laser Disc Repair has patients back on their feet within an hour, feeling zero pain
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About Deuk Spine Institute
World leader in Laser Spine Surgery
With world-class physicians on staff, the newest and most advanced technology, and a patient experience pathway that is unrivaled in it’s efficiency and and pedagogy of care, Deuk Spine Institute has performed thousands of procedures and achieves a 95% success rate in elimination of pain.

 The services we offer are not offered anywhere else in the world, and the treatments are curative, not palliative.  On top of that, Dr. Deukmedjian is personally invested in the well-being of each and every patient, and has spared no expense to guarantee the best possible outcomes.
Viera: 7955 Spyglass Hill Rd Melbourne, FL 32940

Titusville: 494 N Washington Ave Titusville, FL 32796
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