Kyphoplasty Explained: Minimally Invasive Spinal Fracture Treatment

Friday, August 23, 2024

Illustration of kyphoplasty, a spinal fracture treatment through steps 1-5.


A kyphoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to stop the pain caused by a spinal fracture, to stabilize the bone, and to restore some or all of the lost vertebral body height due to the compression fracture.


What is Kyphoplasty?

Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that can repair spinal fractures. It takes about an hour (per level) to treat a fracture with balloon kyphoplasty, and the procedure is done on an outpatient basis.


Kyphoplasty can reduce or eliminate back pain from a spinal fracture, as well as restore vertebral body height.

  • Correction of vertebral body angular deformity
  • Significant reduction in back pain
  • Improved ability to perform activities of daily living
  • Improved quality of life
  • Low complication rate

How Does a Kyphoplasty Work?

Watch this animation to see how a kyphoplasty works:
[viewmedica openthis=”A_55f4e53a”]

Consequences of Untreated Spinal Fractures

If a spinal fracture is left untreated, the vertebra may heal in the “broken” or “caved in” position. This can lead to increased forward curvature, or kyphosis, the medical term for the visible postural change that people refer to as a “dowager’s hump” or “hunchback.”

If you are suffering from a spinal fracture, Contact Deuk Spine Institute to find out if you are a candidate for the kyphoplasty procedure. Contact Us or call 1-800-FIX-MY-BACK  today to schedule your evaluation.

 Images and permission provided by Medtronic, Inc. © 2015

Dr. Bharat Patel Performing a Kyphoplasty


An elderly person experiencing back pain, gripping their lower back with both hands illustrating that the patient can benefit from Deuk Spine Institute’s state-of-the-art treatment Deuk Laser Disc Repair, which promises quick relief from pain.

Cure your back and neck pain once and for all

Deuk Laser Disc Repair has patients back on their feet within an hour, feeling zero pain. Submit your MRI for a free review with the team at Deuk Spine Institute.